How to do Low Trap Exercises

07 22, 2021

White-collar workers working in office buildings often feel uncomfortable in their necks, back, and shoulder, accompanied by the problem of protruding trapezius muscles, which can manifest themselves as shrugging and hunched back problems. If the scapula has been inactive for a long time, you will find that you cannot raise your arms, shrug your shoulders, hug and expand your chest, and you cannot train the pectoralis major, and deltoid muscles. In this article we will explain in detail about some lower trap exercises to relax low traps muscle area.


Trap is called Trapezius that occupy a considerable area of back. Here is the explanation of trapezius muscle from Wikipedia: “ The trapezius is a large paired trapezoid-shaped surface muscle that extends longitudinally from the occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae of the spine and laterally to the spine of the scapula. It moves the scapula and supports the arm.” Since we know this knowledge, let us get back to our point.


trap exercises tools

Foam roller back rolling

It is like a cheap massage tool, the effect is beyond your imagination. Especially after speed training and long-distance running, the foam roller will help you relax your stiff back and neck it let you relax and comfortable immediately.

Elastic band for trap expansion

Target muscle groups: traps,chest, pectoralis major, deltoid muscles.

Sit upright on the stool with your upper body, hold the elastic band with your hands, wrap the elastic band around your upper back, raise your hands flat, elbows slightly bent, chest and shoulders raised. Exhale and pinch your hands in front of your body, and inhale to open.

When you practice push-ups and bench presses, the problem is that you can't find the feeling of chest force. But this action makes the back and scapula joints move, which allows us to better find the "compression" feeling of the chest muscles.

Resistance band rowing

Target muscle groups: upper back, such as trapezius, rhomboid, deltoid muscle, etc.

Tie the elastic band to a stable pillar, hold the elastic band in your hand, straighten it and retreat until the elastic band is taut. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, squat slightly, and stand upright. Exhale and retract the shoulder blades, bend the elbows and pull back until the hands are on both sides of the ribs, and inhale to restore.

Rowing is a very classic back training exercise. Many students often cannot find the scapula retracted and the back tightening when doing barbell or dumbbell rowing. I strongly recommend that you use the elastic band rowing action to find the feeling.

Stretch belt pull-ups

Target muscle groups: shoulders, back, such as latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboid, and back deltoid shoulder.

Tie the elastic band to the horizontal bar, hold the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulders, and step on the elastic band to tighten the hips, legs and abdominal muscles. Exhale, press down on the shoulder blades, bend the elbows to pull the body up to the chin and pass the bar, inhale to restore. There is no doubt that after adding the elastic band, you will feel that this action is a lot easier, so you can buy several elastic bands of different thicknesses, first use a thicker resistance aid, and slowly change to a thin one. 





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